During the passage of an amount of salt bed of rock salt to melt ground water in motion , taking the body is composed of salt water into the ion source of the rise in different formations on earth .
By migrating to the surface of the brine is economic value in two ways.
-Taking the earth itself or flowing by gravity,
-Opening pressure of the brine pumps and pumping wells to a certain level winder is extracted to the earth . In this way the earth with the sun and wind to evaporate the accumulating effects of salt water pool is being upgraded with a copy of the collection given to the crystalline lake and crystallization are provided.
Production performed in this manner in the sources are completely dependent on brine and weather conditions. Production period lasts 4-5 months depending on the geographical situation of the region.
Factors influencing production conditions , the heat than occurs in a long steady season, less composed of rainfall during production , drying the presence of wind , a high evaporation , pool floor specifications ( impermeable ground ) , land flatness, may be considered.